miércoles, mayo 25

We try and find somebody else who has a line

Yesterday wasn't a great day. Each step preceded one that would falter. The only constant thing seemed to be laughter. I laughed myself into hunger last night. I thought I was done eating then all of a sudden I found my self not only on the floor cracking up but also famished. Somewhere in between an "espendru" tumbleweed and some old fashioned dog kicking I reached hilarity and wound up getting my third ab workout of the day.

Hearing about how Rory Sparrow took a crap on somebody's car was the first one.

Apparently getting cold feet is still a punishable act in the U.S. The infamous Runaway Bride from Georgia has been indicted with a felony and a misdemeanor for lying and some other stuff. She was planning a huge wedding and then realized what America would soon realize thanks to countless press conference- that her soon-to-be-husband was a potato faced dullard that was waiting to settle down and get fat. As you can tell from my assessment I know a lot about the guy. As Junior Deputy of the Runaway Bride Search Party XL I made various contacts with John Mason and quickly noticed how much of a momma's boy he was. As soon as his father was on TV proclaiming John would still marry the fleeing fiance I knew that the height of sexual arousal for John Mason would be ghost pains emanating from where his genitals once were.

I think all the farts have been beaten out of that dead mule, let's just wish them a happy life of getting fat and planning for next deer season in Duluth, Georgia.

Earlier today the Marines launched a surprise attack on an Iraqi province. What is surprising about being attacked in Iraq? (insert laugh here)

Memorial day is around the corner, so make sure to use it as an excuse to drink and eat extra long hot dogs. Obviously all those war veterans would have done the same if they had long weekend. I still don't have plans. My ambivalence has left me stranded. I am available all weekend to entertain. For 3 drinks an hour I can make fun of you and your friends the entire night.

I just want to say I have an ego, therefore I enjoy comments and knowing someone other than my sister is reading this (although I like her reading it to, just that I expect her to already).

If you like steak say YES!

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